
March 13th, 2022 — 1 min read
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There are some words between which I always forget the difference.

Genuine vs Authentic

They’re considered synonymous and interchangeable in causal language. What bothered me is that the definitions are often circular and imply a distinction, but it’s inconsistent between sources.

They both mean “real”. “Genuine” merely implies it’s not artificial or synthetic. “Authentic” implies it is proper and real in the strictest sense. Genuine leather would mean it’s not vinyl but hide. Authentic Italian leather would mean it is genuine leather material and sourced in Italy or something like that.

More importantly, non-genuine would be something totally fake, while inauthentic could still be of the same kind but just not fully real in some way.

Amiable vs Amenable ( vs Amicable)

They all kind of mean “able to get along”. “Amicable” is used when referring to a relationship or multiple people, so I usually don’t get that one messed up. “Ambiable” describes a person as generally friendly. “Amenable” describes a person’s feelings toward something else.